Oqui Paratz was born in Salta, Argentina in 1991.
He graduated in architecture from the National University of Córdoba (2015) and in illustration from the University of Buenos Aires (2021). While studying, he publishes a humorous autobiographical web comic where he portrays his experiences making models, plans and presentations in the long nights of study.
After working for 6 years in an architecture studio, in 2020 he started his career as an illustrator and worked for magazines and companies in Argentina, Italy and the United States. His work has been exhibited in the cities of Buenos Aires, Milan, Paris and Angoulême.
He is currently developing his first graphic novel, with which he completed an artistic residency at the Maison des Auteurs, part of the Citè International de la Bande Dessinée et de l'image in the city of Angoulême, France.
He is also the creator and general coordinator of Ilustrazo!, the first illustration festival in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.
-Ilustrazo! - Project selected for the implementation stage within the Futura program: tools for a culture in movement - 4th edition. Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires and Williams Foundation, coordinated by Juan Urraco. April - December 2024.
-First Prize - Poster design contest Feria de Editores 2024 - (Independent Publishers Fair 2024). Feria de Editores - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. June 2024
-Comic book Residency - Maison des Auteurs - Citè International de la Bande Dessinée et de l'image. Angoulême, Francia. December 2023 - February 2024.
-First Prize - Illustration and digital collage contest La Manzana Jesuítica es patrimonio cultural - (The Manzana Jesuítica is cultural heritage). National University of Cordoba - Municipality of Cordoba. City of Córdoba. November 2021
-Second Prize - Poster contest Arte Único de Fernet Branca - (Fernet Branca Unique Art). Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. December 2021
-General coordinator of Ilustrazo! - Illustration Festival of Córdoba, project created within the program Futura: Herramientas para una cultura en movimiento of the CCEBA and Williams Foundation, coordinated by Juan Urraco. Spain Cultural Center of Córdoba. Córdoba, Argentina. December 5, 6 and 7, 2024.
-Event and presentation of issue N°6 of El Gran Cuaderno, an Argentine magazine that disseminates contemporary Latin American voices, by published and unpublished artists. Verne Bookstore. Buenos Aires, Argentina. December 2024
-Collective exhibition 35 pirulines -Chicos y grandes dialogan con imágenes y palabras - (35 lollipops -kids and grown-ups in dialogue with images and words). by Taller Azul de Silvia Katz. National Congress Library. Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2024.
-Collective exhibition À venir - (Upcoming) of authors in residence at the Maison des Auteurs de la Citè International de la Bande Dessinée. Angoulême, France. January 2024.
-Presentation Historieta argentina en Angoulême 2024 (Argentine Comic Strip in Angoulême 2024) at the Argentine Embassy in France coordinated by Espacio Moebius. Paris, France. January 2024.
-Collective exhibition 35 pirulines -Chicos y grandes dialogan con imágenes y palabras - (35 lollipops -kids and grown-ups in dialogue with images and words). by Taller Azul de Silvia Katz. City Museum. Salta, Argentina. November 2023.
-Event and presentation of the 15th issue of Brillo Magazine, Italian magazine specialized in illustration. Fondazione Sozzani. Milan, Italy. May 2023.
-Collective exhibition Proyectos para nuevos mundos - (Projects for new worlds). Congress of Gender, Architecture, Design and Urbanism. FADU-UBA. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2022.
-Solo exhibition of illustrations and intervention in window Viaje de vuelta - (Return trip). Portaculturas book shop. Córdoba, Argentina. September 2022.
-Solo exhibition of illustrations ¿Qué venía a hacer yo? - (What did I come to do?) Paraloka. Córdoba, Argentina. April 2022
-Illustrations for issue number 315 ¿Un capitalismo ingobernable? - (Un ungouvernable capitalism?) of Nueva Sociedad, a Latin American social science journal open to progressive currents of thought, which advocates the development of political, economic and social democracy in the region. Buenos Aires, Argentina. February 2025.
-Illustrations for issue number 6 of El Gran Cuaderno (The big notebook) - A paper magazine that disseminates contemporary Latin American voices, by published and unpublished artists. Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 2024.
-Illustration for the article Vivir en Al-khalil, una ciudad ocupada - (Living in Al-khalil, an occupied town). Tierra Roja digital magazine. Argentina. August 2024.
-Illustration for the fanzine 21x32. Ediciones El Fuerte. Argentina. 2024.
-Illustration for the article La Patria Grande se devora a sí misma – (The Patria Grande devours itself). Anfibia Magazine – digital magazine. Argentina. January 2024.
-Illustration for the article No volvamos a ser Potosí – (Let’s not become Potosí again). Anfibia Magazine – digital magazine. Argentina. January 2024.
-Illustration for the book 35 pirulines -Chicos y grandes dialogan con imágenes y palabras - (35 lollipops -boys and grown-ups in dialogue with images and words). Edition 35th anniversary of Taller Azul. Salta, Argentina. November 2023.
-Illustration for article Un agridulce año de justicia - (A bittersweet year of justice). Crisis Magazine. Argentina. October 2023.
-Illustration for article La isla de los patos - (Duck island). Crónicas Migrantes Vol.3. Anfibia Magazine and UN Migration. Argentina. August 2023.
-Illustration for article Cómo funciona la economía Barrani - (How Barrani economy works). Anfibia Magazine - digital magazine. Argentina. March 2023.
-Illustration for article Los que escuchan el horror - (The horror listeners). Anfibia Magazine - digital magazine. Argentina. June 2023.
-Illustrations for article FLOS Design. Brillo Magazine N°15. Italy. May 2023.
-Cover illustration. Brillo Magazine N°15, an independent italian paper magazine fully dedicated to the world of illustration. Italy. May 2023.
-Illustration for article Sequía de dólares - (Dollar drought). Anfibia Magazine - digital magazine. Argentina. April 2023.
-Illustration for article Todo en todas partes al mismo tiempo - (Everything everywhere all at once). Anfibia Magazine - digital magazine. Argentina. March 2023.
-Publication Dime que me amas, Cineclub! 20 años Volumen 2 - (Tell me you love me, Cineclub! 20 years Volume 2). Hugo del Carril Municipal Cineclub. City of Córdoba. December 2021.
-Publication Digo que te amo! - 20 años de Cineclub Municipal - (I say I love you! - 20 years of Cineclub Municipal). Hugo del Carril Municipal Cineclub. City of Córdoba. April 2021.